On Why the Oscars Don’t Matter:
“In 1989, Do the Right Thing was not even nominated [for best picture]. What film won best picture in 1989? Driving Miss Mother F—ing Daisy! That’s why [Oscars] don’t matter, because 20 years later, who’s watching Driving Miss Daisy?”
“There are many times in history where the best work does not get awarded and I’m not even talking about my own work. So that’s why [the Oscars] don’t matter.”
On Why The Sequel to his most successful film ‘Inside Man’ was never made
“Inside Man was my most successful film, but we can’t get the sequel made. And one thing Hollywood does well is sequels. The film’s not getting made. We tried many times. It’s not going to happen.”
On If He’d Ever Work With Heat Star LeBron James:
“LeBron’s having a tough way to go now. And a lot of that I feel he brought upon himself. But I would work with him. I think he’s a good guy. He’s always been very respectful to me personally. And he’s funny. In a comedic role, I think he would do very well.”
On Acting in His Own Films:
“I don’t like acting; not in front of the camera. The only reason I was in She’s Gotta Have It is because we couldn’t afford anybody else. But with the success of Mars Blackmon, I said, ‘I’ll continue to do it.’ At the same time, it was not something I enjoyed doing. Once it got to point where it wouldn’t hurt [the film] if I weren’t in it I [stopped].”
On actors in general:
“You’re out there buck-naked and that is hard. The reason why actors are f—ed up; can you imagine having a job where someone is, ‘No, no, no. Your butt’s too big. Your heads to big. You’re too skinny. Your nose is too big?’”
On Barack Obama:
“There were people who thought that racism and prejudice would be eradicated [with the election of the first African American president.] The moment he put his hand on Abraham Lincoln’s bible it was going to be abracadabra, presto chango, poof! I was there that night [in Chicago’s Grant Park on Election Night.] It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I was swept up in the euphoria; drinking the Kool-Aid like everybody else. And here we are: racism and prejudice have not disappeared.”
On President Obama’s re-election prospects:
“It’s going to be tough. It’s going to be a fight.”
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