Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jessica Simpson: I already want to have more kids

Pregnancy has been no inconvenience for Jessica Simpson so far. In fact, she loves it.

"Pregnancy was meant for me -- it really was," the Fashion Star mentor and Beauty Mint spokesperson tells PEOPLE. "I can't wait to have more kids. I love being pregnant. I have such an incredible connection with myself and with my body that I've never had before."

Simpson, 31, also says pregnancy has been a spiritual time, too.

"Just knowing that you're creating a life is such a spiritual thing," she says. "Everything is growing, but you're making a life. It's pretty cool."

On the flipside, Simpson has discovered not all the perks of pregnancy are true either.

"People always say that pregnant women have a glow," she says. "And I say it's because you're sweating to death. I think they just tell pregnant women they're glowing to make them feel good about themselves, because everything makes them a little bit emotional."

Contributing to the experience is having her fiancé Eric Johnson at her side every step of the way.

"When I'm tired, I make Eric rub me," she says. "Eric is very, very supportive. We're both extremely excited. He's been to every doctor's appointment with me. We just love it. We can't believe we get to do this, and we get to do it together. We're going to be a rock star family!"

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